

Is this what you want from the federal government?

  • We are worse off after 4 years of Democrat control:
    • Food prices are much higher.
    • In 2020, we were energy independent. Now, we are again relying on foreign oil.
    • Gasoline prices have doubled.
    • Diesel fuel, used for product delivery, is now more expensive than gasoline.
    • Inflation has greatly increased the cost of goods and services, and interest rates are now higher, especially for home mortgages.
    • Illegal immigration has greatly increased.
  • Democrat’s election year proposal for controlling illegal immigration is based on word games, where amnesty is substituted for border control and people who are illegally in the United States would jump ahead of those who are following our immigration laws.
  • In 1998, the federal budget was balanced. But now, Congress and the President are borrowing more than one-quarter of annual federal spending, and the resulting deficits are added to the national debt. This is not sustainable!
  • Since 1998, the national debt has grown from $6 trillion to $34 trillion (which is now about $100,000 for every legal resident, including children).
  • Last year’s annual interest payment on our national debt was nearly $900 billion – before interest rates increased, which is more than annual spending on national defense and is now crowding out spending for other programs.
  • Congress now delegates its legislative powers to executive agencies that pass thousands of rules and regulations without Congressional oversight or voter approval.

Is this what you want from state government?

  • Fuel prices in California were at least a dollar more per gallon than the average price for the rest of the United States even before the recent state fuel tax increase.
  • Crime has increased, especially in our stores, and sanctuary status prevents alien criminals from being deported.
  • Public schools are directed to use graphic books and to indoctrinate students about lifestyles, gender awareness, and revisionist history – starting in kindergarten.
  • Public schools are directed to hide student medical procedures from parents, and it is being made illegal for schools to inform parents about student gender use.
  • Use of initiatives by voters to correct legislative over-reach is being blocked by the Democrat controlled Legislature, Governor, and state courts.
  • Overspending in high revenue years has created huge, future state budget deficits.
  • Budget schemes that move approved spending to future years and to initiatives are used to give the appearance of a constitutionally required balanced budget.

These problems will continue and get worse under Democrat leadership. The only solution is to vote for Republican candidates.